A podcast is like a radio show but you can listen to any time you want.

Podcasts feature regular episodes that typically debut daily, weekly, or monthly. They're great for listening to at work, during your commute, while exercising, or when you need something to occupy you while doing mindless tasks. You can listen to episodes on your computer, smart phone, iPod, iPad or other tablet. When you subscribe to a podcast  new episodes are delivered to your device as soon as they're available—automatically!

St. Monica is pleased to offer auto recordings of Fr. Hamilton's homilies as a podcast. Listening to Sunday's homily again during the week is a great way to enrich your faith. You'll also be able to hear homilies you've missed and share them with friends.

If you’re already familiar with subscribing to podcasts, just visit one of the links below:

Otherwise, here are step-by-step instructions to subscribe on any device:

How do I listen or subscribe?

There are two ways to hear Fr. Hamilton's homilies: streaming or subscribing. To listen just visit the Podcast page, then click the "Listen now” link to hear the episode of your choice (this is called streaming.) You can stream all past episodes here.

But to make sure you don't miss new episodes, a better option is subscribing. Subscribing to the podcast is free and easy, and it sends each episode directly to your device as soon as it goes live. Also, it allows you to hear the show even when you don't have an internet connection (streaming requires internet access and can eat up your cell phone data.)

Here are step-by-step instructions on how to subscribe to the St. Monica podcast:

How to subscribe on an iPhone or iPad

  1. If you're reading this on your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad you can tap this link and skip to Step 5.
  2. Otherwise, open up the "Podcasts" app (which should be already installed on your device, by default)
  3. On the bottom right, click the "Search" icon.
  4. In the search box, type "St. Monica Catholic Church"
  5. In the "Podcasts" area (not the "Podcast Episodes" area), tap on the “St. Monica Catholic Church” icon.
  6. Click the purple "Subscribe" button.
  7. That's it! Now you'll receive new homily episodes as they become available.

You can listen to the latest episode immediately or browse past episodes.

How to subscribe on an Android phone

  1. Install the Stitcher app, it's available free on Google Play.
  2. In Stitcher, search for "St. Monica Catholic Church".
  3. Click the plus icon (+) to add it to your Favorites List.
  4. Go to the Favorites List.
  5. Click the gear icon in the upper right corner to have Stitcher download new episodes automatically.

How to subscribe on a computer (PC, Mac, laptop, etc.)

  1. If it's not already on your computer, install the free iTunes software here: https://www.apple.com/itunes/download/
  2. Open iTunes and click "File > Subscribe to Podcast".
  3. Type in this URL and then hit "OK": https://stmonicaparish.squarespace.com/homilies?format=rss
  4. That's it! You're now subscribed and will receive all new episodes.