Men of St. Monica: Exodus 90 begins January 21

Men of St. Monica: Exodus 90 begins January 21

Prayer. Asceticism. Brotherhood. Exodus 90 is a 90-day spiritual exercise for Catholic men, for the renewal of the Church. 

In a life that is chock-full of distractions and temptations, Exodus 90 is a means of growing in the holiness and freedom offered to us in Christ. It employs the time-tested Catholic disciplines of asceticism and prayer in the context of fraternity.

Runs from Jan. 21, 2019 to Easter Sunday.

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From the Pastor

From the Pastor

I want to make you aware of two opportunities for the grant of an indulgence. These grants come with two traditional practices of our Catholic culture. I try to give attention to many such practices that have been lost over the last decades and to make us aware of them. I do this because our faith and its practice is not a sterile laboratory within the church walls. It impacts the whole of our lives and touches upon many aspects of life, extending itself well beyond the ritual of the Holy Mass. The Marian antiphon we chant seasonally is one such example of instructing us in Catholic culture. The recent Rorate Mass of Advent is another example. The blessing of the bambinelli, Epiphany chalk, etc…

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Mensaje De Nuestro Párroco

Mensaje De Nuestro Párroco

Quiero darles a conocer dos oportunidades para obtener una indulgencia. Éstas oportunidades se dan con dos prácticas tradicionales de nuestra cultura Católica. Yo intento dar atención a muchas prácticas que se han perdido a lo largo de las últimas décadas y hacérlas de su conocimiento. Hágo esto porque nuestra fé y su práctica no es un laboratorio estéril dentro de las paredes de la iglesia. Éstas impactan nuestra vida entera y tocan muchos aspectos de la vida, extendiéndose mucho más allá del ritual de la Santa Misa. La antífona Mariana que cantamos cada temporada es un ejémplo de ésta instrucción para nosotros en está cultura Católica. La reciente Misa de Rorate de Adviento es otro ejémplo. La bendición de los Niños Dios, el gis de la Epifanía, etc…

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You Can Understand the Bible! Bible Timeline Study begins Jan. 6th

You Can Understand the Bible! Bible Timeline Study begins Jan. 6th

If you want a better understanding of our faith, and a deeper relationship with God, then you should join us for The Bible Timeline Study, beginning Sunday, Jan. 6. By being a part of this study, you will not only benefit personally, but you will also help to bring about a profound renewal in our parish as we all grow closer to Christ…

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Bendición de los Bambinelli, 15 y 16 de diciembre después de todas las misas del fin de semana.

Bendición de los Bambinelli, 15 y 16 de diciembre después de todas las misas del fin de semana.

Una costumbre del Tercer Domingo de Adviento (Domingo Gaudete) es la bendición de los bambinelli. "Bambinelli" es una palabra italiana que se refiere a la figura del Niño Jesús en los juegos de natividad de tu casa. Se alienta a los feligreses a traer la figurita del Niño Jesús desde sus escenas de natividad a cualquier Misa en el Tercer Domingo de Adviento. Una vez que concluya cada Misa, permanezca en la iglesia y el sacerdote volverá para conducir la bendición de los bambinelli.

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Blessing of the Bambinelli December 15/16 after all weekend Masses

Blessing of the Bambinelli December 15/16 after all weekend Masses

A custom of the Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete Sunday) is the blessing of the bambinelli. “Bambinelli” is an Italian word that refers to the figurine of the Baby Jesus in your home nativity sets. Parishioners are encouraged to bring the figurine of the Baby Jesus from your nativity scenes to any Mass on the Third Sunday of Advent. Once each Mass concludes, remain in church and the priest will return to conduct the blessing of the bambinelli.

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Mensaje de Nuestro Párroco

Mensaje de Nuestro Párroco

Quiero compartir con ustedes algo más de mi reciente viaje a Italia. Nuestra patrona parroquial era una madre devota. Tenemos muchos bellos ejemplos de maternidad en nuestra parroquia. ¡Cualquiera que ponga un pie en la misa aquí, notara que esta es una parroquia que da la bienvenida a los bebés! Sabemos también, que los desafíos con la infertilidad y ansiedades sobre la maternidad, la paternidad y el embarazo, son dificultades frecuentes en nuestro mundo…

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From the Pastor

From the Pastor

I want to share something else from my recent trip in Italy. Our parish patroness was a devoted mother. We have many beautiful examples of motherhood in our parish. Anyone who steps foot into Mass here knows that this is a parish that welcomes babies! We also know that challenges with infertility and anxieties about maternity, paternity, and pregnancy are frequent difficulties in our world

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From the Pastor / Mensaje de Nuestro Párroco

From the Pastor / Mensaje de Nuestro Párroco

We have now completed our parish extraordinary period of penance and reparation in response to the crisis our Church has been facing. We began that period of penance on September 11 and carried it through this past Friday to accompany our United States Catholic bishops in their annual meeting last week. I want to thank you for your faithful participation in my call for this time of penance. I am proud of our parish for this effort…

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Christmas Giving Tree

Christmas Giving Tree

St. Monica’s annual Christmas gift drive is underway. The Giving Tree, with gift tags, is in the Narthex. Please take a tag and return your gifts to the Narthex no later than Sunday, Dec. 3. Agencies benefiting from the Giving Tree are: Catholic Charities, Center of Family Love, Citizens Caring for Children, Infant Crisis Services, Santa’s Cause, Children’s Care Center, Children’s Hospital, and St. Ann’s Nursing Center. Those who would like to help sort gifts may do so with the members of the Charitable Donations Committee, on Sunday, Dec. 2, after the 10:30 a.m. Mass.

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Giving Tuesday is Nov. 27th

Giving Tuesday is Nov. 27th

Giving Tuesday provides us an opportunity to thank God for all of the blessings that He has bestowed upon us during the year and to look within ourselves to see how we can best use our talent and treasure to help others. This year, St. Monica is building upon that feeling of generosity and compassion by asking our parishioners to prayerfully consider enrolling in eGiving for your recurring weekly offering.

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