The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

Today on the final Sunday of the liturgical year Fr. Hamilton offers a special opportunity for prayer. First, for the intercession of Blessed Stanley Rother on behalf of a young parishioner fighting leukemia and then in recognition of our Lord Jesus as king of this world and, indeed, the entire universe: The Act of Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Please join us heartfelt prayer as you listen to this week’s homily. 

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28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The parable used by Jesus in the gospel continues to explain what the Kingdom of God is like.  It also serves as a clear outline of salvation history.  In the parable the king is an image for God the Father.  He desires to host a great wedding feast for his son, who is an image of Jesus the Bridegroom of the Church.  The feast is an image of salvation and eternal life, prophesied in the first reading from Isaiah.  The Israelites are the ones first invited...

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27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

In the Scripture the vineyard is always an image for the gathering of God’s People. As the Prophet Isaiah himself says, the vineyard is Israel. Later, upon Israel’s failure to recognize and accept Jesus as the awaited Messiah, the vineyard is the Church as the fulfillment of the gathering of God’s People, open to anyone who will produce the fruit of the kingdom. By faith and baptism we are called to be members of Jesus’ Body and we are called to belong...

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